The DC Universe has officially found its Green Lantern John Stewart, casting Aaron Pierre for the role in the upcoming HBO series, Lanterns. This iteration of John Stewart is depicted as a rookie Lantern in his early thirties, who will reluctantly team up with Kyle Chandler’s Hal Jordan. Together, the duo will navigate a dark, Earth-based mystery involving a murder in the heartland of America.
Aaron Pierre is no stranger to impressive performances, having previously portrayed significant figures such as Caesar in The Underground Railroad and Malcolm X in Genius: MLK/X. Most recently, he played Terry Richmond in Rebel Ridge, which topped Netflix’s global charts. In addition to his role in Lanterns, Pierre is set to voice Mufasa in Disney’s highly anticipated The Lion King, scheduled for release this December. This will mark Pierre’s second appearance in the DC universe, as he previously played the Kryptonian soldier Dev-Em in Krypton.